Whatever the residential or commercial application, Rain Bird Rotors have it covered.

Rain Bird Rotor Sprinklers set the standard for durability, and come stocked with features which ensure reliable performance. There’s a Rain Bird rotor for every application — for low pressure and steep slopes, in high wind areas, with non-potable water, even areas where vandalism could be a problem. Choose Rain Bird rotors to get the job done, and get the results you’re seeking.

3500 Series

5000 / 5000+ Series

Falcon 6504 Series Rotors

8005 Series Rotors

2045A Maxi-Paw

TSJ & TSJ-PRS Series Swing Joints

5000 Series MPR Nozzles

Rotor Nozzle Tree for 5000 Series Rotors

Rotor Nozzle Tree for 3500 Series Rotors

Rotor Tools

8005 Sod Cup Kit

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