Central Control/Water MGMT

Central Control

The inventor of the central control category and one of its foremost innovators, Rain Bird provides the industry’s most comprehensive line of irrigation control products and services. As a result, you can rest assured that your project will have a control solution that meets its unique needs. With Rain Bird control solutions, you get more than the best product in its class. You get benefits you won’t find anywhere else.

Right Fit: From robust multi-site central control software to standalone controllers, Rain Bird offers you true control solutions.

Trusted Performance: Rain Bird pioneered the central control category and continues to lead through innovation and performance.

Superior Service: Rain Bird’s network of control distributors offer second-to-none service in their local areas.

Added Service: Rain Bird’s Global Service Plan protects you against the unknown, getting you back up and running before your landscape suffers.

Complete Systems: From sprays to rotors to pumps, Rain Bird offers a full array of reliable, water-efficient technologies designed to work together

Industry Leading Training: Bring your team up-to-speed with advanced training through Rain Bird Academy.

FD-TURF Series 2-Wire Decoders

Maxicom v4.4®


IQ™ Platform

ESP-SAT Series

ESP-SITE-SAT Series Satellite Controller

WS PRO2 Weather Station

Flow Sensors & Transmitters

Freedom for Maxicom

MSP-1 Surge Protector

LDI/SDI 2-Wire Decoder Interface

CCU Series

Rain Gauge

DEC Series Sensor-Pulse Decoders

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