5 Series Specialty Stream Bubblers

Matched Precipitation Rate Specialty Stream Bubbler Nozzles

Rain Bird 5 Series MPR stream bubbler nozzles are ideal for watering shrubs, trees, container plantings and flower beds. Water-efficient low volume streams are directed in full-, half-, or quarter-circle patterns.  A center strip model is also available, providing two opposite streams.

  • 1800 Series white filter (.035" x .035") screens (shipped with nozzles) maintain precise radius adjustment and prevent clogging.
  • Stainless steel adjustment screw to adjust flow and radius.
  • Fits all Rain Bird sprinklers and shrub adapters.
  • Three-year trade warranty.
  • Spacing: 5 feet (1,5 m)
  • Pressure: 15 to 30 psi (1 to 2,1 bar)
  • Optimum pressure: 30 psi (2,1 bar)*

Rain Bird recommends using 1800 PRS spray heads to maintain optimum nozzle performance in higher pressure situations.

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